Zack started making his paper and wood birds after experimenting with his own Children’s book in which a little boy makes a bird lantern out of old book pages and willow sticks. After struggling to envisage what it would look like He went about making his own as a prop to draw from, this sparked something and after much playing and experimenting Zack made more and more detailed birds over the years, detail is his obsession.
Each bird takes anything from 30 – 120 hours to create, Zack takes great pleasure in creating each bird as realistically as he can, from the first drawings to the last stroke of paint every little feather is lovingly crafted. Pop over to his Instagram, (tab on the left) to get an idea of how much work goes into each bird.
Sadly, we were unable to showcase any of Zack’s incredible birds as he is off on an exciting adventure to Alaska and Mexico where he will be taking his paper and wood creations. We are lucky to have two of his limited-edition prints ‘Hummingbirds’. We hope to have some beautiful handmade birds for you to see in our gallery soon.