“Loch Etive in fresh weather”
Acrylic on Canvas Board
16 x 20 inches (40.5 x 51 cm)
Signed and dated 75, lower left
Conrad had passed his exam for second mate and obtained a post on the Loch Etive, a Loch liner, at the last minute for another voyage to Australia, leaving in August 1880. Some experiences in this ship found their way into his novel “Chance”.
This lovely painting is one of a group of twelve painted by Mark Myers in 1975 to illustrate a manuscript on Conrad’s maritime life by Alan Villiers. Mark served at sea under Alan Villiers and remained devoted to him. The book was finally published in 2006 by Alan’s son Peter Villiers. Entitled “Joseph Conrad: Master Mariner” it is an enthralling account of Conrad’s extensive maritime service, touching on its influence on his stories and writing. Mark Myers’ paintings are beautifully reproduced in the book, bringing out the extraordinary clarity and detail he achieved in each work.